
Home Firearms Safety
(Lecture only - NO LIVE FIRE)
(4 Hours)

Rules for Safe Gun Handling, major causes of accidents, gun safety, storing guns, responsibilities.

Identifying and unloading Different Firearms, this will be a lecture and practical application exercises using different type of firearms. Dummy ammunition will be used to instruct how to safely unload different type of weapons.

Practical Exercises in Safe Gun Handling, covering pistols, rifles and shotguns. This will be hands on training that will enable the students to gain familiarity and comfort with various firearm models.

Types of Ammunition, cleaning, and storage of Firearms, we will discuss different types of cartridges for different weapons, firing sequences of modern ammunition, proper cleaning of firearms, storage of firearms and ammunition.

Course review, examination, and critique.


To book your reservation in a class, view training calendar below and call us to schedule:
(760) 798-7300.