
ALERT: Anti-Gun War Rages in California Legislature. Take Action Now!

California residents, and all other constitutional-supporting, freedom-loving Americans, we need your help now!

As you saw yesterday, the California State Senate pushed through TEN anti-gun bills.

That’s right, TEN bills. They are:

  • AB 156: Bans common ammunition purchases, creates a DOJ database of ammunition owners.
  • AB 857: Requires serialization of ALL unserialized firearms, both retroactively and moving forward.
  • AB 1135: Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices, such as “bullet buttons”.
  • AB 1511: Criminalizes loaning of firearms between personally known, law-abiding adults.
  • SB 880: Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices, such as “bullet buttons”.
  • SB 894: Victimizes victims by criminalizing the failure to report lost and stolen firearms within a short time frame.
  • SB 1006: University of California taxpayer funding for gun control research.
  • SB 1235: Bans common ammunition purchases, creates a DOJ database of ammunition owners.
  • SB 1407: Requires serialization of ALL unserialized firearms, both retroactively and moving forward.
  • SB 1446: Retroactively bans possession of lawfully acquired, standard capacity magazines that can hold over 10 rounds.

    We all need to unite under our constitutional rights and send the message to our representatives loud and clear that "enough is enough when it comes to our 2nd Amendment!"

    Please take a couple of minutes out of your time to go to Firearms Policy Coalition's website and voice your opposition by signing the petition to defend our rights in California:

Thank you!

- Team NCF